Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The team is involved in the following undergraduate and graduate-level programs at EMN (the institution all of eaching staff belongs to):

  • The team is a main contributor to the engineering program of EMN.

  • Within this engineering program, the team is steering, chairing and the main contributor to a final-year graduate-level informatics specialization.

  • Since 2009 our team has defined and set up a new three-year engineering program on software engineering

The team has also been involved involved in the following three MSc programs that have been carried out with partners from French and foreign universities:

  • The team participates in the MSc program “Alma” on software architecture and distributed systems, a joint program steered by colleagues from University of Nantes. In this context, we are responsible for a 48-hour module on advanced software composition and take part in the program's governing board.

  • Members of the team have taught different courses at different study levels in Rennes mainly organized by University of Rennes and the research institutes IRISA and Inria.

m members have taught each for about 195 hours on average in 2013 (hours of presence in front of students). Hereby, we have taken into account that researchers and some professors have not taught at times. In addition, a significant part of the program is taught by temporary staff, whose participation is managed by ASCOLA members.


The team has been supervising 16 PhD thesis in 2013, of which four have been co-supervised with external partners (three with foreign partners from U. Chile; TU Darmstadt, Germany; Lancaster U., U.K.) and one with the French TASC team from Mines Nantes.

Several PhD have been defended this year: In Feb., Flavien Quesnel defended his thesis on “Toward Cooperative Management of Large-scale Virtualized Infrastructures: the Case of Scheduling”. In April, Frederico Alvares defended his thesis on “Multi Autonomic Management for Optimizing Energy Consumption in Cloud Infrastructures”. In Sep., Akram Ajouli defended his thesis on views and program transformations for software modularity. In Dec., Yousri Kouki defended his thesis on “SLA-driven Cloud Elasticity Management approach”.

Two members of the team have been preparing an HDR in 2013 for a defense in 2014.


  • A. Lèbre was a member of a selection committee for an Associate Professor position in the Telecom school in Nancy.

  • T. Ledoux was member of the PhD committee of Erwan Daubert at Université Rennes 1.

  • J.-M. Menaud was member of the PhD committees of Damien Borgetto at University of Toulouse, Rémi Druilhe at University of Lille, and Flavien Quesnel in Nantes.

  • J.-C. Royer was member of the PhD committes of Akram Ajouli and Valerio Cosentino at Mines de Nantes.

  • M. Südholt was part of a selection committee for a position of Associate Professor at University of Rennes. He was also a member of the PhD evaluation committees of Eline Philips at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Zhoulai Fu at University of Rennes.